Our whole school approach in English will focus heavily on Reading.
Transition classes have begun the implementation of InitiaLit, a MultiLit program, with a whole class Tier One level approach.
Parap Primary School have formed a partnership with our Darwin City Schools neighbour, Stuart Park Primary School, who began implementing InitiaLit at the start of 2023. They have offered to mentor our Transition teachers and English leadership team, supporting us with their experience of practice and useful resources, and by allowing observations of InitiaLit in action as well as face-to-face professional discussions. We look forward to learning and growing together with SPPS as we redefine our whole school approach.
All classes are implementing some of the strategies used in InitiaLit, tailored to suit the academic needs of each Year Level as appropriate.
Whole school 5 week sprints will form the basis of all teaching and learning programs for English, specifically with regards to reading strategies.
Other resources used to inform the work include First Steps, 6+1 Traits, and the 7 conditions for effective learners.