Quick Links

Canteen Orders
We encourage you to place your child's recess and/or lunch order using our online service by visiting QuickCliq
Please contact the Canteen Manager on 89822955 if you are able to volunteer to assist in our canteen.
Class Dojo
ClassDojo helps teachers, parents, and students safely share wonderful classroom moments. It is an online resource that teachers can use for behaviour management, as a form of communication with families and its online resources for teaching social and emotional learning. ClassDojo has many features that teachers can use, such as Toolkit, Attendance, Select Multiple, Random, Timer and Big Ideas. Within Big Ideas there are 11 sections that focus on Social and Emotional Learning which can be used alongside the ‘Talk To Your Brain’ teaching resource.
Please see your child's teacher to connect to their class and school stories.
For more information on Class Dojo please visit www.classdojo.com

Three Way
Conference Bookings
PTO allows parents to book conferences for all of their children and automatically spaces appointments to avoid clashes.
The online system generates reminders leading up to our Three Way Conferences as well as provides a summary page of your bookings that can be printed or saved on your device. This will save time for parents, staff and students! Using this system you will be able to book the interview times that suit you best from any internet enabled device. This can be done by clicking here or the free PTO app for Apple and Android devices.
The PTO system is only open prior to scheduled Three Way Conference dates.
Student Absence
Parap Primary School is committed to ensuring that all of our students get the most out of their education, and wants to support our students to maintain regular attendance. Students who attend school regularly learn more and achieve better results.
As parents and caregivers, you have an important role in ensuring that your child attends school whenever it is open, unless there is a good reason for his/her absence. Acceptable reasons for absence include sickness or serious family circumstances, such as bereavement. Whenever your child is absent you must contact the school as soon as possible on 89822922 or by email parapps.office@education.nt.gov.au to let us know and to provide the reason for your child’s absence.
Absences of more than three days will require a medical certificate which is to be presented to the school.